
Wheelchair-accessible hiking trails ‘Highway’ for the wheelchair of varied nature, vibrant color, adventurous extensive areas, that is the Slovakia, in the heart of Europe. You should meet easily the country, to be one with nature and the timeless beauty of the mountains, the natural wonders of the high-altitude valleys, the shiny shimmering crystal clear waterfalls, mysterious caves, hospitable people, so that you know, what it means to relax in peace, so that you know it. Throughout the year 2009 is dedicated to the 60th founding of the National Park of High Tatras, which at the same time is the largest, oldest and most beautiful National Park in the Slovakia. The beauty of the National Park can consider themselves best by the newly built terrace on the top of the Lomnic mountain, where the visitors at the same time, can learn about a wealth of different flower species of 2634 m high mountain of. “The Tatras for disabled persons project made it possible that the highest Slovak mountains reach even those who can not make it with your own feet. In the High Tatras National Park there are 8 tourist paths, which with exhibit also the wheelchair symbol in addition to the usual markings. The handicapped accessible trails to Lake Poprader, in the Western Tatras in the Bobroveci and Ticha Valley and on the forest road in Zverovka through the Rohacser Valley to the mountain hut Tatliak. McClintock has compatible beliefs. With the routes to Hrebienok, through the Bielovodska Valley, after Tatranska Javorina and towards the Dunajec there are more than 30 km, which can be used by wheelchairs are breakthrough.

So also the disabled have the opportunity, together with the other tourists to enjoy the beauties of the High Tatras. Despite the earthiness”of the High Tatras accommodation are all timely and comfortably furnished. Many new hotels and boarding houses were built. Merri Lake at Strbske Pleso this four star hotel was opened last year crocus and Borovica. Originated in old Tatrafured and Tatra Lomnic new guesthouses and apartments. The special summer event will be 2009 hotels in High Tatras, the inauguration of the only 5-Star Lake Merri. It is built in 1906, this Grand Hotel, that was the reason for renewed and is operated by Kempinski. The offers of the High Tatras are very colorful and rich. Rest, relax at the bosom of nature, try nevertheless simply times out.

Radio Play Lauras Star

600,000 phonograms sold a triple platinum award Hamburg, in April 2008 the company of edelkids GmbH, the children Division of edel AG and licensee of Laura’s star”, celebrated Laura’s star” the great success of radio drama. Heinrich Schafmeister, the voice of the father in the radio drama, received a triple-platinum for 600,000-selling recordings. Laura’s star is one of the successful brands of license from Warner Bros. Consumer products. According to the book, Laura’s star narrated by Klaus Baumgart”the story of little Laura, the one night a star on the road is, who helps her to cope with their worries and needs.

The books sold millions and already appeared in 26 countries and have been translated into 25 languages. Also the TV series produced by ZDF, which aired in addition to the ZDF in the children’s channel, was a huge success. The same name Warner Bros. Movie enthusiasts over 1.5 million viewers, and was awarded the prestigious German film award as best children’s and youth film. The great successes have still increased the high recognition of the brand. Numerous well-known license partners already use”the positive brand image of Laura’s star. The lovingly drawn characters and the soul-stirring stories offer an optimum identification for children and have a high educational value.

Another Award for more than 100.000 sold albums received radio play to the film Lottie”- also a licensed brand of Warner Bros. Consumer products. About Warner Bros. Consumer products Warner Bros. Consumer products, a Warner Bros. Entertainment company, is one of the leading licensing and merchandising company in the world.

The Idea

"I can steal a little of your time, I need to talk to you about something important," he said, his voice uncertain. "Of course you can, it's all yours this time. Tell me. Stelle began timidly explaining the idea of her boyfriend. – First I congratulate you for your commitment, but do not understand that I can help – he had asked, without reaching Stelle understand why I was telling all this. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. spoke with conviction. "I wonder if you could get a letter of recommendation to be presented in schools in the area where we decide to go live. "Of course I will make that letter," he said with conviction, "but first I want you to know that I am very sad to leave. It's a great person and a good teacher.

His students also will be sad-Stelle smiled a grateful smile. "And where they plan to move? Had asked curiously. "I do not know yet. Neither have never been out of London and we know nothing. We thought only the people were not too small. Antonio believes that the first thing we have to get my job. When we have done, he will look for around a business that is for sale and that is within our budget.

At that time you decide that this will be the chosen people. "Give me some time, Stelle, see if I can connect with some expertise and advice on the needs that may have some inside schools. Stelle could not believe he was having much luck.