Heathrow Airport

The temporary cold and snow that affects much of Europe collapsed on Sunday some of the continent’s major airports, left thousands of travellers stranded and caused delays and cancellations at many airlines. Furthermore, in Belgium died a person when fell you over a roof due to snow accumulation. Just four days before Christmas Eve, one of the times with more displacement of the year, the airports of London, Frankfurt and Paris were greatly affected by the storm and lived scenes of nervousness among travelers who were trapped, luggage this Monday the journal the world of Spain in its online edition. New snowfall have aggravated the situation in the aeropuetro of Frankfurt, only in that airport, the largest in Germany and one of the leading in Europe, about 650 of 1,317 planned flights were aborted, said a spokeswoman. The terminals are filled with trapped passengers, some with more than 48 hours of accumulated waiting, and on Saturday were that enable bunks for the nearly thousand people that moment at the airport waiting for their passages were taken into account. Snow also unleashed the chaos at the airports of Munich, with 50 cancellations, Hamburg, with 40, and Hannover, where the terminal was closed for an hour.

The German weather service also announces that the snowfall will continue in the coming hours. In turn, the storm is causing serious traffic jams and accidents on roads throughout Germany, completely Frost, and the railway company Deutsche Bahn is encountering great difficulties to accommodate all passengers who want to make their trips by train. Also at Heathrow Airport, the largest airport in the United Kingdom, thousands of passengers spent the night stranded. All landings and takeoffs most were cancelled. It is expected that Heathrow, passengers in Europe’s biggest airport, resume air traffic today Monday, although cancellations and delays of flights expected according to the port authority.

The first step, He added the statement, it will be back to their usual positions of the aircraft and crew that were diverted to other places. In addition, the text apologizes for the problems caused to passengers. Passengers who had planned to fly from or to Heathrow on Monday should put in contact with their airlines. Heathrow is especially important for those making transshipment. From Saturday, thousands of people camping on five terminals and airport transit areas. The biggest problem for the airport management company, who set to work to hundreds of people to remove snow and ice, are not only tracks on takeoff and landing, but also the formation of plaques of ice where they are parked aircraft, preventing that the machines can move. In the second largest London Airport, Gatwick, delays and cancellations occurred. However in Scotland, where temperatures were considerably lower, the airports remained open. The Parisian Charles de Gaulle was forced to close two runways and to cancel and delayed numerous flights. During the Sunday morning they had to close even the four tracks for an hour to remove the snow. Civil Aviation recommended airlines to cancel a quarter of its flights. The storm had tragic consequences even in Italy: at least two homeless died in cold temperatures in the North. Three others were killed in the region of Tuscany by accidents caused by the icy roads. In the Belgian community of Bertrix, province of Luxembourg, a man died when fell you over the roof of a hut due to snow accumulation. The father of five children was working in the hut when collapsed the roof, Belgian news agency. His brother was rescued severely injured from the rubble.

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